Airsoft Joule Creep: Understanding the Phenomenon and Its Importance in Airsoft

If you're an airsoft player, you've likely heard the term "joule creep" before. But what is it, and why is it important to understand? In this article, we'll explore what joule creep is, how it works, and why it's so important in airsoft.

What is Joule Creep?

In airsoft, joule creep refers to a phenomenon where a BB's velocity increases as it travels down the barrel of a gun, resulting in higher muzzle energy than expected. This happens because a heavier BB usually has more time to accelerate as it travels down the barrel and being heavier carries more energy compared to lighter BBs fired from the same replica. For example, A rifle may chrono at 1 joule on a 0.2g BB passing the chrono inspection but when 0.3g BBs are added the rifle chrono reads 1.3 joules. It is extremely important when shooting through a chrono to set the BB weight if it has that feature or use a joule calculation chart to calculate the power of the rifle.

Joule creep is particularly relevant in airsoft because many fields and events have energy limits, which are often measured in joules. If a gun's muzzle energy is higher than the limit, it may be banned from play or result in injury to players. As such, it's important to understand joule creep and how to account for it in your airsoft gun.

How Joule Creep Works

Joule creep occurs when a BB is fired from an airsoft gun and travels down the barrel. As the BB moves down the barrel it is accelerated by the compressed air behind it. Heavier BBs can retain this pressure for longer as they accelerate and carry more energy than lighter BBs.

This means that even though the initial velocity of the BB might be within the energy limits using lighter BBs, the final velocity when using heavier BBs may be higher due to the added acceleration. This results in higher muzzle energy than expected, which can put players at risk and potentially result in a ban on your gun or end up in you being asked to leave the site if you've recorded at a higher velocity in the game. There is a misconception circulating that the BB continues to accelerate once it has left the barrel due to one UK site owner spreading miss information because he does not understand what joule creep is.

Why Joule Creep is Important in Airsoft

Joule creep is important in airsoft because it can have serious consequences if not accounted for. If a gun is shooting above the energy limit, it can cause harm to players or damage to property. It can also result in the gun being banned from play, which can be frustrating and costly for players.

To prevent the risk of injury and maintain the safety of the game, it's important to understand joule creep and how to account for it in your airsoft gun. The easiest way to do this is to chrono your gun with the BB weight you intend to use in a game.


Joule creep is a phenomenon that can have serious consequences in airsoft if not accounted for. Understanding how it works and how to mitigate it is essential for airsoft players who want to play safely and within the energy limits set by the field or event. Players can use the correct BBs during chrono and other techniques to ensure that their guns are shooting safely and within the allowed energy limits.


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